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Our Services
Let us serve you as a One-stop Classifieds for the Internet! With our database of over 1,000,000 members and more than 1,000,000 ads, you can be sure that you're onto one of the best...
" Top 10 Classifieds, as categorized by Yahoo!.. " more on Yahoo! ranking
" Top 10,000 Website Ranking - way above many other classifieds!.. " more on Alexa/Amazon ranking
" Over 40,000 visitors a day.. More than 20,000,000 page views a month!.. " view statistics
Our massive traffic translates directly to better results for you! In addition, as we are purely focused on advertising, visitors are highly receptive to advertisements. Therefore, your results will far surpass industry norms. Paid ads consistently generate click-through rates of more than 80%!
...and your advertising reach doesn't just end here...
Your ads also get blasted to thousands of other classifieds sites! Multiply your responses wildly by having your ad appear all over the Internet. You'll probably find that we're the only online classifieds site that offers this incredible service. Learn more about classifieds blasting
Were are a group of professionals that want to succeed, grow, increase our contact list and improve rankings in Google and other search engines. Group advertising, synergy of scales...FREE